Throughout the entire system, LEAP aims to bring all members of your laboratory into the quality management process. Let's take a brief look at LEAP's basic work flow from gap analysis to project completion, regular maintenance and beyond.
The first step in your laboratories QMS journey is to determine the gaps in your current quality management as determined by the accreditation body you seek to be in compliance with. LEAP makes this process simple by grouping
the standards defined by an accreditation body into bite sized chunks known inside LEAP as
amily O
f S
tandards or FOS
. These FOS make up the body of each individual project inside LEAP. For each FOS project
a list of questions are examined that will determine the content and extent of your project. Once this step has been completed, a project will be created.
Once the project has been created, LEAP will allow you to assign different members to that project, allowing for efficient work assignment and distribution as well as further involving all relevant staff in the quality management process.
Depending on each individuals work load, different due dates may be assigned to each member. To fully gauge what is being asked of each member, simply click on the
mark on any task to reveal the content and duties of that task. All
projects follow a simple 5 Task process. Let's take a closer look at that process using LEAP's Project Navigation below:
Return Button
The menu on the left simulates LEAP's Project Navigation Menu. The fist button in your project navigation is a simple return button. Click here to return to the location from which you navigated from. There are a number of ways to access the project view page, so this return button will become your friend over time!
Click on the button under the return button to learn more about the project navigation and LEAP's basic project work flow.
Once your laboratory has begun the gap analysis process and started completing projects, the overall status of your laboratories various departments will start being reflected on the QMS Dashboard, the first screen you see upon logging into LEAP. For a quick look at the overall status of your laboratories projects and maintenance, simply check the All Projects and Maintenance Tasks pie graphs. Department specific data is shown in separate line graphs under the Department Statistics section and you can get specific percentages when you hover your mouse above a specific department. Addtionally, projects with New Standards as well as Late Projects are listed below so you can quickly address these projects.
For a more detailed view on maintenance information the Maintenance Dashboard gives you a historical view of your maintenance tasks. The historical view helps you identify patterns in regular work behavior to help eliminate the tendency to try and finish all work just before an audit or inspection, helping to keep your laboratory in compliance throughout the year.
As projects become complete, the evidence saved within them becomes searchable via the Document Management page. Search from a number of parameters including filename, document creator, document approver, and much much more. Additionally, you can download documents and even share results in the form of an Excel document. Document Management page also gives you quick access to relative maintenance and archived versions of all completed projects.
The above outlines the absolute basics of LEAP and does not explore the full capability of this software. For more information on all that LEAP can do for you and your laboratory, please see our user guides and videos available from the support page or contact us directly.